When was the last time you read and understood the insurance policy that covers your house or business?
Many people have difficulty understanding the technical language of the insurance policy and the complicated procedures they must follow to comply with the policy's terms.
Most people don't realize that insurance company adjusters are trained professionals who represent the interests of the insurance company which employs them.
You can protect your interests by employing an accredited public adjuster whose sole responsibility is to serve you, the insured.
Accredited public insurance adjusters are retained for the adjustment of insured claims due to fire, wind, water, vandalism and other perils. The public insurance adjuster serves commercial businesses, financial institutions, professional firms, homeowners, and the general insuring public. We are experts who not only get the claims settled but also have a construction company to repair the property after the claims are settled.
If a loss occurs, you should give immediate consideration to engaging the services of a public insurance adjuster at HARRIS INSURANCE SERVICES. The questions and answers contained in this section will help you understand how our firm can help you through this time.
Click on the underlined questions below for the answers to some of the most commonly asked questions we receive: (Click here for a complete scroll-down page of the questions and answers listed below)
Who are the Public Insurance Adjusters at HARRIS INSURANCE SERVICES and what do they do?
What degrees and expertise do the staff of HARRIS INSURANCE SERVICES possess?
Is HARRIS INSURANCE SERVICES associated with any insurance companies?
How can a HARRIS INSURANCE SERVICES public insurance adjuster help me?
Why do I need help in filing an insurance claim?
Why should I hire HARRIS INSURANCE SERVICES to obtain what is rightfully due to me?
What is HARRIS INSURANCE SERVICES responsibility in settling the claims on my behalf?
How is the actual loss and money due to me determined?
Are the Public Insurance Adjusters at HARRIS INSURANCE SERVICES trained professionals?
What organizations does HARRIS INSURANCE SERVICES belong to?
In the event of a loss what steps should I take?
Do public insurance adjusters take care of claims other than fire?
Do they sell insurance or act as insurance agents?
If I have a problem or a complaint concerning an adjuster or an insurance company what should I do?
What if I have a question about insurance coverage or the insurance industry?
Can I prepare the insurance claims?
Doesn't the insurance company have to prepare my claim?
Does HARRIS INSURANCE SERVICES adjust claims for business owners also?
Will my recovery make up the cost of your fees?
Doesn't the insurance policy guarantee the I will receive a fair settlement in a timely fashion?
What happens if I discover additional damage after I have settled my claim?
What happens if the town or city I live in requires me to upgrade my property?
Do I need to hire an attorney?
What should I do if I have a disaster?
What are some of the requirements according to the insurance policy?
HARRIS INSURANCE SERVICES is a "two phase" company. The following commonly asked questions pertain to this "two phase" concept:
What is meant by the term "TWO PHASE COMPANY" and what are the two phases?
How much do we charge for phase one, the adjusting service?
How am I charged if I allow HARRIS INSURANCE SERVICES to repair the property, phase two.
How are the payments issued for the repairs?
What guarantees do I have that you will do a good job?
Who handles all the permits and paperwork with the local municipalities and their inspectors?
Who chooses the materials such as carpet, bathroom and kitchen fixtures, paint, etc.?
What happens if the job takes too long?
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